Arifureta Zero: Volume 1 Read online

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  Any attempt to break the walls would result in a lightning counterattack as well. Oscar had transformed them all into reactive armor.

  This was the real extent of Oscar’s skills. He wasn’t just a genius Synergist, he could imbue magic into ore. Create artifacts, in other words.

  He could use magic from the age of the gods. The magic that, according to legend, the gods had used when they still walked the earth. The only people who could use it now were Atavists, who had inherited the gods’ blood.

  There was a reason he’d told Karg his abilities were abnormal. On top of everything else, he could freely control his own mana, and didn’t need magic circles or chants to use magic. The things master craftsmen took years to accomplish were mere child’s play to Oscar. That was how huge the difference was between his abilities and normal people’s.

  “Honestly, this orphanage is better defended than even the royal palace. No simple Synergist could have made an artifact-class defense mechanism.” Miledi had seen through it all somehow. Oscar really couldn’t let his guard down around her. There was more to her than her frivolous attitude suggested.

  “If you think I can’t be trusted, why not activate your fortress and kick me out? But unless you do, I won’t leave until you hear me out.”

  Ah, now I get it. Oscar seemed to have come to a realization.

  Miledi really didn’t seem to have any shady ulterior motives. She’d found this place by coincidence. However, she’d been amazed at the defenses it had, so she’d asked around about who lived here. From that she’d learned about Oscar, and then decided to wait here until he showed up.

  Here, where Oscar had access to his most powerful weapons.

  She’d let him haul her to the backyard, but she hadn’t left, which would have proved she was at his mercy.

  “Why don’t you try and act serious, then? That stupid attitude of yours makes you hard to trust.” Oscar relaxed slightly. He let the tension drop from his shoulders and stopped glaring.

  “I have no idea what you’re talking about~ I’m just your ordinary, cheerful, happy, beautiful girl~” She winked at him again, making the same cliched pose as last time. It annoyed the hell out of Oscar.

  It was a wonder anyone could combine frivolity and earnestness the way she did. It seemed he’d caught the eye of a very odd woman. He had a headache just from dealing with her.

  “Okay, so what is it you wanted to talk about? Let me guess, you want me to make an artifact for you.”

  “Nope, you’re totally off~ It’s up to you if you want to make anything for me. Wait, don’t tell me you get off from being ordered around by women? Sorry, I’m not really into that kind of thing...”

  “Thunder Snake.”

  “Abababababababababa!?” Miledi spasmed as Oscar hit her with one of the orphanage’s anti-intruder countermeasures. The one he’d activated summoned snake-like electrified wires from underground that wrapped themselves around Miledi.

  As the electricity faded, Miledi slumped to the ground.

  Oscar adjusted his glasses, then looked down at her.

  “I’m not a pervert!” He yelled at her.

  “F-First you attack me, now you’re yelling at me... Even I didn’t expect that...”

  Trembling, Miledi rose back to her feet. Plumes of smoke were rising from her clothes.

  “Can you say two sentences without having to stick a joke in between them?”

  “It’s one of the best things about me, I can’t just stop. Won’t you please accept me for who I am, O-kun?”

  Oscar just silently glared at her. After a few seconds of sulking, she straightened up and adopted a serious attitude. Oscar’s heart skipped a beat again, and he inwardly cursed at himself.

  “I have only one goal. Oscar-kun, I want you.”

  “You... want me? What do you mean?”

  It can’t possibly mean what I think it does, can it?

  Miledi looked back up at the moon.

  “Have you ever thought... there was something wrong with this world?”

  “Ah...” Oscar fell silent. He couldn’t formulate a reply.

  “Well, O-kun? You’re a Synergist that’s clearly on a different level than all the others. If you showed the world your skills, you’d probably become the most famous person alive. In fact, you’d probably be remembered by history as a hero. Yet you stubbornly hide your abilities. What is it you’re so scared of?”

  Isn’t it obvious? If I did that, all the important people in the world would seek me out.

  Sure, he might receive fame and glory. Hell, he might even leave his name in history. But he’d no longer be free. And more than anything—

  “Is it the Elbard Theocracy and the church that backs them that you’re afraid of?”

  “I should have known you’d figured it out. You know what my abilities are, after all.” Oscar smiled wryly.

  Yes, Oscar was afraid of losing his freedom. But even more than that, he was afraid of the church.

  The Holy Church of Ehit... They followed a doctrine that stated humans were above all other species, and preached that humans should reign supreme. Almost all the humans on the continent were followers.

  Those who were discovered to have the power to use magic from the age of the gods, or special magic that only monsters could use, were considered to be god’s descendents and taken under its protection.

  By force, if necessary. Oscar would suffer the same fate if he revealed his talents.

  The Holy Church was as powerful as an entire kingdom. In fact, the leader of the Elbard Theocracy was the Holy Church’s Pope. Alone, Oscar would never be able to escape their grasp. Even if he could, there was no telling what they would do to his family.

  Miledi gave Oscar a knowing smile.

  “Escaping from the Holy Church wouldn’t be easy. No matter where you go, they’re around. In every kingdom, in every village, their taint can be seen.” She practically spat out those last few words.

  “Of course you’re scared. I mean, think about it. They’re supposed to be in control of just one country. But look, wherever you go, there are temples all around. Every country takes them in, and they even let them dictate national policy.”

  “H-Hey, You can’t just say that out—” Oscar nervously looked around.

  Insulting the Holy Church was tantamount to suicide. If anyone had heard Miledi say that, she would have been executed without question.

  But Miledi didn’t stop.

  “Even when countries are at war, if the Holy Church says something they stop right away. And when there’s peace, a word from them can start a war. We’re too worried about being branded heretics to do what’s right, or even what’s legal. We’re taught that Ehit’s will is supreme and things like love and justice are secondary. In fact, they may as well not matter at all.”


  Miledi turned back to Oscar, her bright blue eyes looking directly at his own. There was a clarity in them, mirroring her own unwavering resolve. Oscar inadvertently gulped.

  She gazed at him for a few seconds, then smiled.

  “O-kun. You must have realized how twisted this world is. More so than the kings of this world, you fear the so-called righteous Holy Church. That’s why you hid yourself. So that they wouldn’t hurt your family in an attempt to get to you.”

  Normally when someone insulted the Holy Church they were instantly decried as a heretic. The reason for that was because if you didn’t, you too would be considered a heretic. Unless you were particularly close to the blasphemer, you had every reason to turn them in.

  But Oscar didn’t call her out. Shaken as he was, he didn’t want to stop Miledi. Because she’d said the things Oscar had always thought, but never had the courage to say.

  Miledi was overjoyed to finally have met someone who wasn’t a blind believer in Ehit. Emboldened by Oscar’s silence, she continued.

  “I belong to a certain organization.”


bsp; “Yes. A world where people live by the law, and by their own morals. A world of order and justice. A world where everyone is free to speak out against injustice. Where people come together to discuss what’s right. Where different opinions and ideas are valued instead of suppressed. A world where people can be free. That’s our organization’s goal.”

  “Are you planning on starting a new religion or something?” Oscar only just managed to keep a look of incredulity off his face. He congratulated himself for keeping enough composure to retort with a joke.

  Still, her words had shook him to the core. The ideals Miledi’s organization espoused meant that they were basically rebels. A gathering of heretics who denounced the Holy Church’s rule.

  This was no joke. She was inviting him to an organization that had effectively made humanity its enemy.

  “Do you think we’re a gathering of crackpot terrorists or something... Ahaha, well, I guess you’re not entirely wrong.”

  “Please leave.” Oscar responded to Miledi’s lighthearted comment with a flat refusal.

  “Sorry, but my answer is no. I promise I won’t tell anyone about this, so please don’t ever come close to me or my family again.”

  He spoke quietly, but his expression was dead serious.

  Miledi stared at Oscar for a few seconds before quietly replying.

  “I see...” She turned on her heel and walked away. Her retreating figure seemed exceptionally small to Oscar.

  It was hard to imagine a little girl like her was fighting against the world. What on earth drove her to make such a suicidal choice? Maybe she’s just crazy... It would be easier for Oscar if that were the case.

  That way he could convince himself her words hadn’t moved him.

  “Oh yeah, could you tell everyone the food was delicious?”

  “I will.”

  Miledi glanced back and smiled at Oscar. Then, without another word, she vanished into the darkness of the night.

  It was as if she were nothing more than a spirit.

  Oscar clenched his teeth, only just keeping himself from saying something.

  They’d never see each other again. And that’s for the best, he kept telling himself.

  The next day...

  Miledi showed up at Oscar’s workplace.

  “Hello, good citizens of the Orcus Workshop! I’m the world renowned idol, Miledi! Where’s my cute little O-kun?”

  A number of hard-faced craftsmen stared in confusion at the girl who’d just shown up at the back entrance. It seemed she’d forgotten her manners in the womb as Miledi brazenly strode past the confused craftsmen without so much as an “excuse me.”

  “Wow, I should have expected one of Velka’s big three workshops to be this amazing. The country is known for its technology after all. There are master craftsmen everywhere~” Miledi exclaimed in wonder as she looked around the workshop.

  At the back of the workshop, Oscar was struck dumb. He’d expected never to see Miledi again. Wanting to avoid being seen, he quickly hid himself.

  He was glad there’d been enough orders today that he could hide behind his pile of finished work.

  Wh-Wh-What on earth is she doing here!? He adjusted his glasses repeatedly.

  The craftsmen looked at each other, wondering who this girl was.

  Though she was grinning like a fool, her expensive clothes marked her as a noble, or at least someone rich. Normally, anyone who barged into the workshop like this would be thrown out, but Miledi was so blatant about it that the craftsmen hesitated.

  Especially since if she was some noble’s daughter, then they couldn’t afford to be rude to her.

  Just as someone ran off to get the chief, a young man stepped forward. Though he was a noble himself, he wrung his hands like a groveling merchant. Ping was never one to let slip an opportunity to make important connections. He smiled as flatteringly as he could.

  “Miss, what is it you need? Perhaps I could be of assistance. Ah, excuse me for not introducing myself sooner. I’m Ping Waress, son of Viscount Waress.”

  “...Hi! I’m Miledi.” Miledi observed Ping carefully for a few seconds, but then broke out into a smile again and introduced herself.

  The onlookers could easily tell that this smile was fake, however.

  “Miledi, was it? A beautiful name to suit a beautiful person such as yourself. Pardon me for asking, but which family do you hail—”

  “Does that really matter?” Miledi was still smiling, but her eyes were cold. Even an idiot noble like Ping got the message.

  Ping hurriedly tried to smooth things over and regain her favor.

  If she could take that kind of attitude with Ping, a viscount’s son, then she must have been a very important noble indeed. Or at least, that was what Ping thought.

  “Oh no, not at all. My apologies. Truly, forgive me. Regardless, what is it you needed? I guarantee you that I, heir to the Waress family, can fulfill any order you care to place!” Even then, he still tried to sell his family’s name. Torpa and Raul hurried over to Miledi as well, hoping to get into her good graces.

  However, before they could reach her, Miledi dropped a bomb on Ping.

  “Is O-kun, I mean, Oscar-kun here? I came here to see him...”

  “Huh? O-Oscar?” Ping’s eyes widened. Torpa and Raul stopped in their tracks. Even the craftsmen stopped working.

  Oscar groaned to himself. You idiot! My position in this workshop’s already bad enough and now you’ve made it ten times worse! The other craftsmen couldn’t believe a noble lady would be asking after the least skilled member of the workshop. Even more surprisingly, she’d called him by a nickname.

  Everyone turned to look at Oscar’s cubicle.

  “Pardon me again for my forwardness, but what business do you have with Oscar? You may not know this, but his skills are, well, lacking... There are many other more skilled craftsmen who would be happy to fulfill your order.”

  “Hm? I just wanted to see how O-kun works. I don’t really need anything. Oh, is that where he works? Thanks, Pinwa-san~”

  “Umm, my name is Ping War--”

  Before he could correct her, Miledi dashed off to Oscar’s workplace. She’d followed the other craftsmen’s gazes to figure out where it was.

  Meanwhile, Ping just stood there, dumbfounded.

  A high ranking noble lady had come to the Orcus Workshop just to see Oscar work.

  She soon spotted Oscar hiding behind his pile of boxes and bounded over to him.

  “Ah, there you are, O-kun! It’s me, Miledi-chan! I haven’t seen you since last night!”

  Oh great, this is going to cause even more misunderstandings. Oscar’s expression stiffened.

  The other craftsmen started muttering to each other about how Oscar had slept with a noble girl.

  Ping glared at Oscar, his eyes burning with jealousy and hatred. He rushed over to Miledi and Oscar, trying to act polite as he warned her away from Oscar.

  “Miss Miledi. Though he may be a member of the Orcus Workshop, as I said earlier, he’s just a third-rate Synergist. He’s only allowed to work here because the chief took pity on him. Moreover, he’s an orphan. He has no manners and no education. Don’t you think someone as distinguished as yourself should be more careful about choosing the company she keeps? At the very least, I don’t think he is deserving of—”

  “Oh, you’re still here, Piress-san? I’m good now, so you can go back to work... Or is it that you don’t have any work to be doing?”

  “Pfft...!” A few of the craftsmen couldn’t hold back their laughter. Miledi had been spot-on.

  Regardless of whether she’d intended to insult him or had just made a careless comment, she’d hit Ping where it hurt. He blushed in embarrassment, and his fake smile cracked.

  “My apologies, but—”

  “Umm, Miledi-san! I finished the thing you ordered from me last night. In fact, I was just about to go deliver it right now! Why don’t you join me! And thank you so much for your patronage! I hope
you come back to the Orcus Workshop if you need anything else!” Oscar hurriedly cut Ping off.

  He wanted to stop this before it turned into a fight. He also emphasized that it was work she’d come to him for to dispel any potential misunderstandings.

  Unfortunately, it seemed Miledi didn’t get the hint.

  “Huh? Ordered? But O-kun, I didn’t—”

  “Come, let’s go!” Oscar loaded his cart with inhuman speed and glared pointedly at Miledi. He was grinning, but the smile didn’t reach his eyes.

  Miledi broke out into a cold sweat.

  “Crap, I may have gone too far...” she muttered to herself as she followed behind Oscar.

  Naturally, his crappy acting did nothing to dispel the suspicions people had.

  The craftsmen turned to gossip with one another. No one noticed Ping, who was glaring venomously at Oscar.

  “Hey, hey, O-kun. O-kuuun. Stop ignoring me~ Hey, listen to me~”

  “......” Oscar silently trotted down the street, pulling his cart laden with work orders behind him.

  Miledi followed behind him, occasionally waving a hand in front of his face to try and get his attention.

  As Oscar was the only craftsman who took orders from ordinary citizens, he was pretty well known in the area. People recognized his trademark cart, and often they’d stop and chat for a bit when he passed by.

  However, no one greeted him this time around. Despite the fact that he was drawing more attention than usual.

  There were two reasons for that. The first was the strange girl bouncing around Oscar. The second was the grim expression on Oscar’s face.

  It was doubly frightening because none of them had ever seen Oscar without his customary smile, yet the girl following him wasn’t perturbed at all.

  “You mad? Like, really mad? Did you really not want me to come see you at the workshop? Hey, hey, O-kun. All the guys think you’re going out with me now! Things are gonna be pretty rough for you working there! But don’t worry, I’m a responsible young woman! I’ll head back with you and tell everyone what’s really going on! I’ll let them know all I’m actually after is you!”

  “Are you trying to ruin my reputation for good!?” Oscar suddenly came to a halt, then smacked Miledi, who’d poked her head out from behind him, on the head.